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Linux - Ubuntu - Random commands

Nov 10, 2019 | Reading Time: 2 min

Random collection of commands for Ubuntu Linux.


Description Command
display top with threads top -H
top with output sorted by memory top -o %MEM
run top in batch mode 10 times with 5 seconds delay in command mode with output sorted by memory top -b -n 10 -d 5 -c -o %MEM
run top in batch mode 10 times with 5 seconds delay in command mode with output sorted by memory and only print 15 lines at a time `top -b -n 10 -d 5 -c -o %MEM


Reference - Using with bundler

Description Command
serve jekyll locally bundle exec jekyll serve


Description Command
create a vmdk using raw device VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "</path/to/file>.vmdk" -rawdisk /dev/sdb


Description Command
rsync to a remote server using ssh protocol and show progress rsync -avzhe ssh --progress ./localfolder user@<remote server name/ip>:/remote/folder/location
Option to transfer files upto a certain size --max-size=<n>m

Disk paritions

Create a ntfs partition from an empty disk

 1sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
 2# fdisk is interactive
 3# press m for help
 4# Press p to list any available partitions
 5# create a new partition by using n
 6# after altering partitions press w to write
 7# make a ntfs file system with "quick format" i.e dont write zeroes and dont check for bad sectors
 8# remove f for full format
 9mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdb1
11# Note the UUID of the partition E.g: /dev/sdb1 UUID="asdfg1246"
12# Adding a entry in /etc/fstab
13    UUID=asdfg1246   /disk1 ntfs-3g    permissions,locale=en_US.utf8    0   2