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Remembering my friend

May 25, 2023 | Reading Time: 2 min

Dear friend,

I am not sure why I am writing this now. I have thought about it many times, but never really got around to doing it. You have been on my mind since a few days now for some reason, and I have finally decided to write something.

It’s been 2 years 7 months on this day. I am not sure if I have processed things cleanly until now. I would most probably never be able to forgive myself for not doing more to help you. I am very sorry for that. Most probably I have had a lot of excuses for it.

You were a great friend. You were always trying to help others find happiness and make them feel comfortable. Mostly because of it, you had so many friends to share your good times. We did not share the same interests/vices, but I always felt great comfort in knowing that we could talk to each other freely and mostly about any topic under the sun, personal or otherwise. But, as I learned about some things that you were dealing with, I am not so sure anymore. I wish I could have given you more confidence so that you would open up about those things too with me. I wish I would have taken that COVID pass and come to meet you. I wish you never left our company. I wish you never moved out from your brothers place.

Thank you for becoming a friend in a sea of colleagues. Thank you for teaching me your out of the world debugging skills. Thank you for helping me with communicating more openly with people.

I pray that you have found your peace.

Your friend.